what your sleep habits say about you

 sleep we all need it.

 A lot of us neglect it and a lot of us have some interesting sleep habits some of us toss and turn in the night, some of us are pure night owls, some of us can't stop mysteriously waking up at 3am something about that time gives me nightmares.

well, it would I mean if I was asleep but did you know your sleep habits can tell a lot about you.

here are 9 habits can tell a lot about you.....

what your sleep habits say about you

 here are what your sleep habits say about you.
 1. you're a morning person

 have you ever wondered how being a morning person affects your intelligence ? no,. okay according to some studies it can tell you a lot about your intelligence type if you're starting to wonder now morning people are more likely to get good grades in school than night owls according to research studies on students in high school and college.

 2. you're a night owl 

In the same study on high school and college students, night owl scored higher in general mental ability this ability is linked to higher success in your career so while you may not always get the best grades as compared to those morning people you're still just as smart as them perhaps shown in different ways.

3. you stay up late and deprive yourself of sleep.

staying up late again binging another season of your favourite NetFlix show up into the wee hours of the night. a bowl of popcorn, are you microwaving: said popcorn as we speak; many who often go to sleep late at night are often seen as pessimistic why with the unpredictable and disrupted sleep patterns, negative thoughts are bound to well abound maybe you find yourself up so late at night imagining possible scenarios to your weekly conflicts or ruminating on the latest worries that plague your mind. whatever it is that's keeping you up worries or television it's best to hit the hay and get your z's by going to bed as early as possible lights out.

what your sleep habits say about you

 4. you always wake up between three and five 

am no matter what time you went to bed .do you find yourself naturally waking up early in the morning you look at your clock  3 a.m ,oh! boy or maybe 5 a.m is your lucky number well this may have to do with your sleep drive part of our circadian rhythm our sleep drive grows as we go about our day at night. 

it naturally goes down if you find yourself waking up between 3am and 5am and don't know why it may be that your sleep drive has been used up if this becomes a common occurrence it could mean you've developed a circadian disorder known as advanced sleep phase syndrome.

 5. when you don't set an alarm

 you sleep for 14 hours at a time finding yourself sleeping more than the regular eight hours at a time maybe you find you naturally sleep through your morning or half the day well one reason could be hypothyroidism this most often affects women over 60.

this deficiency of thyroid hormones can disrupt one's heart rate metabolism and body temperature the symptoms can include fatigue weight gain cold sensitivity constipation and dry skin another possible reason you're over your body could be responding to a latent infection but if oversleeping becomes the norm something else could be going on .

what your sleep habits say about you

6. you're tired every morning 

do you have this problem ?no matter how many z's you seem to get you just can't help but wake up tired every morning one reason could be depression depression often coexists with sleep problems. so if you're tired every morning a mood disorder may be the reason another reason you may just have sleep apnea this sleep disorder can be serious and it affects your breathing during sleep.

 once breathing repeatedly starts and stops when asleep with this disorder your sleep cycle is likely to be interrupted with all these interruptions in breathing if you feel you may have sleep . you're not alone the disorder affects 30 million people.

 a good idea is to sleep on your back instead of your side if the problem still persists it's best to talk to your doctor.

 7. you sleep longer than

 you're used to okay so maybe you don't sleep for 14-hour stretches but you have noticed you keep sleeping a little longer and longer every night .one study on adults 40 and older found that individuals who slept more than the regular eight hours at night were more likely to suffer from a stroke researchers from the university of Cambridge ,found the risk grew notably higher for those who used to sleep for shorter hours they're unsure if this is a symptom of a problem or if the long hours of sleep are the cause of other health problems.

 8. you often sleep on your side 

although further research is needed sleeping on your side may help in circulating waste out of your brain and reduce the chance of getting Alzheimer's researchers at new york's stony brook university conducted experiments on rodents and found that sleeping on one side makes it easier for the body to circulate waste out of our precious brains many believe Alzheimer's is linked to brain waste buildup and since sleeping .

on your side may help your brain circulate waste doing so may lower your chances of developing neurological diseases.

9. no matter how hard you try you just can't fall asleep 

do you lie down in bed early in hopes of a good night's rest only to find that you just can't fall asleep no matter? what you do well as suggested before this may be due to worry stress or work conducted a worldwide survey and found that over half of their respondents reported that the main cause of their sleep problem was work or worrying over their finances maybe you can't stop thinking about what's worrying you lately or maybe you're working through the night over hours.

 whatever it is keeping you up at night it's time to put it to bed so you can go to bed too so which sleep habits can you relate to what did they say about you ?

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